Due to a multitude of circumstances, I am left with little choice but to end my streaming activities. I will not go into the details of the why, but I will say that I will leave my free assets up for anyone to use. Despite the fact that I will no longer be active (on this account) the rules listed on each of the items still apply. Use them wisely.

While I had originally intended to only sell on Booth, I realized some people may not be interested in buying/downloading off of the site. In the past, I have bought things off of Ko-fi. In truth, that is mostly where I have gotten things from English speaking Vtubers, and thus, I have come to the decision to make a Ko-fi. I haven't thought of using it for donations, as I don't believe anyone would donate to a Vtuber as small as myself, so I am soley using it to sell assets I make.
Goodbye for now.
A link to my Ko-fi: Shameless second self-promotional link

Hello again. It has been a while. I am currently broke, as in I have no money. My computer is not holding up well and my streams are suffering for it. I am unemployed and multiple circumstances are keeping me from getting a job right now. To try and ease my situation a little I opened up a Booth shop. I will be selling old Live2D models I have made. I have three up now, though none of these models will be free. Likely, I will keep them under $20. I will also be selling assets for Live2D vtubers, specifally for VtuberStudio. Most of these will likely be free.
This is the sum of what I have to say here. I have some help for my computer arriving soon, but it is really only temporary. The main solution to my problem will probably be buying a new laptop, as the issue may stem from age, though my computer is merely a couple years old, so I don't truly know why it is behaving like this. All in all, things in my streaming sphere are rough.
A link to my Booth: Shameless self-promotional link

Debut moved
Due to some unforseen circumstances—as well as my forgetting of daylight savings time—I will be pushing my debut date back. It will now start tomorrow at the same time. I have reset my timers on here and my carrd so they, as well as the stream itself, should all match the new time. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Debut date set
A debut date has been officially set. By March eleventh I should hold my—as many call it—'debut stream'. I will do my utmost to keep quiet on the contents of it for now, though likely no one will see this, but that shall make things all the easier. Let us wait and see.
I will be kicking myself into overdrive in terms of my work as of now. ✌

Greetings ✌
Scribo hic porro hodie.
I'm not a particular fan of keeping track of time and events, but perhaps it isn't completely a useless idea to host a 'blog' or whatever you want to call this. This page could be used for a plethora of things, so it's actually very ideal.
I am progressing well in my set up and quite nearly may be able to have everything properly updated. We're only days away. Hopefully, I may be able to go out and start building things up.
My intentions with this blog may be for use in important updates to my situation, as well as notices for uploads/streams and other things along a similar note. Either way, this may be an important feature, but only time will tell.